How to Buy Eaglestake?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to buy Eaglestake directly at this time. We will list Eaglestake on PANCAKESWAP in the 2th quarter of 2025, so stay tuned!

However, now you can buy Eaglestake in advance through our official website at a 50% discount.

We plan to list the initial price at $0.01, and now the purchase price through the official website is $0.005. One-third of the total Eaglestake will be sold in advance. Don’t miss the opportunity. 

Recommended to read on PC, and follow along on your Phone to make it easier. This will take approximately 15-30 minutes if you’re new.

Step 1: Create a Wallet

Download Trust Wallet and create a wallet. Keep your phrase a secret! Never share it with anyone and store it properly! Make sure to copy the contract address below!


Step 2: Add Eaglestake to the Wallet

Tap the icon in the top-right tap “Add Custom Token”.

At the top, tap “Ethereum” next to Network, and change it to “Smart Chain”. Copy the contract address on this page and put it in the Contract Address box.

Next, put “Eaglestake” as the name, and the symbol as EST. Decimals will be 18.

Click “Done” at the top and you should now have Eaglestake added to your wallet!

Step 3: Buy "Binance Smart Chain" (BSC)

Tap on “Smart Chain” on the main screen of trust wallet, then tap “Buy” in the top right. This step may require KYC verification, so have documents ready to prove your identity.


If the transaction won’t go through, you may need to contact your bank to allow international transactions.


After purchasing, there may be a delay while your transaction is processed. Be patient, this is normal!

Step 4: Send BSC for Eaglestake!

Once your transaction has been cleared, and you have BSC on your Trust Wallet,  send to the Eaglestake official address.


*This address is uesd for staking and purchase of Eaglestake Coins